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Four words can turn the most level headed person into a stress test nightmare: “Will you marry me?” Think about it: The proposal story is repeated about a thousand times…it’s no wonder there’s so much pressure. Relieve some of that anxiety by figuring out proposal fact from fiction before you pop the question.

Myth: She’ll Be Completely Surprised
Tears of joy and shouts of surprise are common reactions to a wedding proposal, but in most cases, she saw it coming. While talking to brides in my research, I found out 64 percent of the respondents said they knew a proposal was imminent; they just didn't know exactly when it would happen (another 3 percent said they micromanaged the entire thing by letting their fiance know when, where, and how he should propose). That said, 88 percent feel that the “surprise factor” is important. So, while she might have a hunch you’re about to pop the question, throw her off the trail by proposing at a time she wouldn't expect it — a few days before some important date or even just a random weekday evening.

 Myth: Carat Size Doesn’t Matter
Think a diamond’s quality is more important than its size? Although it’s a good idea to brush up on the 4 Cs (cut, carat, colour, and clarity) before you buy a ring, a lot of percent of brides said that a diamond’s size is equally as important as its quality. Only few of them told me that they’d rather downsize the diamond for a higher quality stone — the remaining lot believe size is what matters most, regardless of quality. Buy a ring that’s financially responsible, Or you could always go for an emerald cut — it looks bigger!

Myth: The Ring Is Totally Up to Him
An engagement ring is the accessory of a lifetime, and many women want at least some say in its style. Only very few of the brides had nothing to do with choosing the ring. In most cases, the couple worked together in some way to make a decision about the ring: alot of them said that they went ring shopping together; some of them said that their fiance asked asked what sort of style, metal, and cut she preferred; while the rest of them said that they made their ring taste completely clear so he’d know what to look for.

Myth: Asking Dad’s Permission Is Outdated
Even if a guy faces Meet the Parents-style fears about asking his girlfriend’s father for her hand in marriage, it’s not an outdated tradition. In fact, larger percentage of women would like their dad to be asked beforehand, and a few of  them would like their mum included as well.

Myth: Getting on Bended Knee Says It All
To see a guy on one knee with an outstretched ring is a dead giveaway to everyone around that he’s proposing. And while that gesture tends to speak for itself, almost all of the brides say it’s essential to ask the question, “Will you marry me? It’s understandable to stutter in such a situation, but try your best to ask the question and you’ll make your intentions completely clear.

Inspired from Theknot. The images are from my favorite wedding photographer Mahima Bhatia. Tell me what do you think about these myths by dropping your comment in the box below!

About the Author

Devina Malhotra
Blogger, Fashion writer, Entrepreneur, Digital Media strategist, Bollywood Lover, Army Brat, Baker and 100% Punjabi!

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  1. thank you for your comment :) and of course, i'd like to follow each other! :)


  2. i really want to see an indian wedding! must be so much fun!
    Lovely blog! Giveaway on my blog tll 2d September! http://differentcands.blogspot.kr/2013/08/giveaway-with-love.html

  3. Loved the write up. All the pointers are so valid!

  4. Awww I'd love the whole cliche down on one knee type thing! I'm a sucker for romance :)
    Following you now!


  5. I agree- when I get engaged, my fiance better ask my parents ;)


  6. LOL, I really enjoyed reading this post, everything is so true!
    Only I disagree with the clarity of the diamond, I could care less :D
    Have a nice week end!


  7. :))) totally agree with this


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